Kracking Up | A Crazy Night of Mental Health Comedy brings humor to a subject we don’t often laugh about. Get ready for New York comedians to Krack jokes and destroy stigma while doing so.
MAY 13, 2023 | 9:30PM

Michelle Hammer is a Schizophrenia Activist and spends her time passionately fighting stigma. She is an NYC native featured in the WebMD documentary Voices, which was nominated for a Tribeca X Award at the Tribeca Film Festival. Michelle was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 22 after a misdiagnosis of bipolar at age 18. At 27, Michelle decided to use her fearless personality to do something that could benefit the mental health community. In May 2015, she founded a mental health-focused clothing brand. Schizophrenic.NYC is a clothing brand with the mission of reducing stigma by starting conversations about mental health.
Michelle started her interest in comedy when she was part of a Stand-Up For Mental Health show in New York City. Working with David Granirer, Michelle was able to turn her experiences of living with Schizophrenia into a hilarious comedy set. She says, “Turning past trauma into jokes has been my favorite form of therapy.”