How A Determined Schizophrenic Woman From NYC Is Breaking Stigma About Mental Illness

{Schizophrenic.NYC buttons, bracelets, stickers}

In just a little over a year since I last interviewed Michelle Hammer (founder of Schizophrenic.NYC, a clothing line aimed at promoting mental health awareness), her company and mission have gained an exponential amount of support from the media and community.  Since hundreds of thousands of people with schizophrenia are living on the streets, Michelle’s clothing line donates a portion of its profits to organizations that help the mentally ill homeless population of New York City.  Being diagnosed with schizophrenia herself, Michelle demonstrates that people with schizophrenia can succeed, have a career, and live a normal life.  She breaks stereotypes about a diagnosis highly stigmatized.  I was fortunate to have the opportunity to catch up with Michelle to get an update on Schizophrenic.NYC and her thoughts on living with mental illness:

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