
Interview with the Director of ‘Words on Bathroom Walls’

2020-07-27T02:51:06+00:00July 27th, 2020|collaboration, writing|

by Michelle Hammer Described as an American Drama, Words on Bathroom Walls follows Adam after he is expelled from high school following a schizophrenic episode and enters a new school where he begins following his interests of becoming a chef, falling in love, and figuring out how to navigate the world after his diagnosis. [...]

You Can Criticize Trump, but Don’t Call His Actions ‘Schizophrenic’

2020-04-29T15:14:52+00:00April 29th, 2020|writing|

by Michelle Hammer Living in New York City these days has meant living in fear. One constant has been the daily briefings from New York’s Governor, Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo gives an update about new cases of COVID-19 in the city and information about how New Yorkers can stay safe. All in all, he has been great during this [...]

5 Tips for COVID-19 Isolation and Mental Health

2020-04-22T19:18:30+00:00April 22nd, 2020|guest blog, guest post, writing|

by Nathan Shuherk I’m not sure I ever uttered the exact phrase, “2020 is going to be my year,” but I likely said something similar enough. And while the sentimentality was nice, it now seems daft. April 2020 is starting, finally. March seemed to last an entire decade, and the concept of a fun, [...]

Is Instagram Saying Being Schizophrenic is Offensive?

2019-03-28T02:16:32+00:00March 28th, 2019|Michelle Hammer, blog, writing|

Instagram recently blocked many mental health related hashtags like #suicide, #cutting, and #schizophrenic. As an advocate, I question why we are blocking the language -- and therefore the discussion -- surrounding of mental illness at all. But, as a schizophrenic, I'm deeply concerned that Instagram determined my illness is offensive and/or inappropriate. In my [...]

Managing Paranoia with Journaling

2021-02-06T14:59:37+00:00March 6th, 2019|blog, guest blog, guest post, writing|

Written by Alexie Crest. Paranoia is an intense feeling of anxiety often involving thoughts related to persecution, threats, or conspiracy. It can have a crippling effect on a person’s life if not treated. And with Cnet reporting that technology is making privacy harder, more people are suffering with various levels of paranoia. In this post, [...]

Schizophrenia and Drug Addiction

2018-08-29T20:32:28+00:00August 29th, 2018|blog, addiction, guest blog, writing|

Written by Matt Boyle. Schizophrenia is not a rare mental disorder. In fact, it affects roughly 1% of the world’s population and generally begins to show its first signs during adolescence and young adulthood. Substance use disorders are also common and affect roughly 8% of the world’s population. However, the number of overlap between [...]

Let’s End The Stigma Related To Mental Health

2018-03-08T00:17:18+00:00March 5th, 2018|blog, guest blog, writing|

Written by Ayesha Mehta. To all the readers reading my article, I’d like to begin by personally thanking each one of you for taking the time out to read my article. I want to share a small secret with you, one that may not come as a surprise to you but the one that [...]

Back to Reality: A Story of Psychosis

2018-01-31T19:22:49+00:00January 31st, 2018|blog, guest blog, writing|

Written by Julia Stabler. Hi, my name is Julia Stabler. I am 29 years old and passionate about mental health advocacy. Four years ago my life changed forever when I suffered a psychotic break. I was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder while in college, but a confusing second opinion led me to believe that [...]

I Didn’t Really Want To Die, As Much As I Thought

2018-01-23T20:28:38+00:00January 23rd, 2018|blog, Taylor Jones, writing|

Written by Tea Jay. It came on suddenly. Suicidal thoughts had been lingering for weeks now, but I had no actual plan to attempt to take my life. Then, just like that, something switched. Nothing in the world mattered. I was slipping into darkness and I was allowing it to take me. I was [...]

There’s a Difference Between Anger and Verbal Abuse

2018-01-18T21:08:20+00:00January 18th, 2018|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

Written By Sarah Fader We've all been there: you say something you "didn't mean" when you're angry. It happens in the heat of the moment. It's not quite that you "didn't mean it" but rather, it came out more intense than you intended it to be. This is quite different from what is known [...]

Depression Doesn’t Always Look Like “Depression”

2018-01-16T20:26:22+00:00January 16th, 2018|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

Written By Sarah Fader Some of us have been unlucky enough to have the flu. It's a terrible feeling, sort of like you're dying slowly. Sometimes people even get the flu when you've gotten the flu shot. Imagine the flu is "Depression." It's a severe form of illness. You can't get out of bed, [...]

I Hate It When People Use My “Crazy” Against Me

2018-01-11T18:47:55+00:00January 11th, 2018|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

By Sarah Fader I have had my "crazy" used against me: this is called "emotional abuse."   Some days I don't know what I've been triggered by.   I have ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, OCD and Complex PTSD. Some days I don't know what I've been triggered by. Because I have so many diagnoses [...]

Need Therapy? There Is No Excuse Not To Get Help

2018-01-08T21:02:54+00:00January 8th, 2018|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

By Sarah Fader I can't count how many people I've had this conversation with and asked this question to: have you considered going to therapy? It becomes apparent when someone is in mental or emotional distress. I have empathy for my friends and loved ones who are in mental health crises or even experiencing [...]

Medication Saved My Life

2018-01-07T18:03:52+00:00January 7th, 2018|blog, Taylor Jones, writing|

Written by Tea Jay. I didn't always like medications. In fact, I spent the majority of my life protesting them. I started taking medications for my ADHD diagnosis; a diagnosis that I would later find out in my twenties was completely bogus (I have come to find out I have BPD with Dissociative Amnesia). [...]

The “My Husband is Having a Psychotic Break” Situation

2018-01-01T18:08:24+00:00January 1st, 2018|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

By Sarah FaderRelationships are incredibly hard as a baseline. Then think about what it's like to have a relationship with some who has a mental illness.That is doubly harder because the issues you're dealing with are compounded. You have regular old "who stole the covers" issue and then you have the "my husband is having [...]

Is The Future of Counseling Online?

2018-02-18T20:14:09+00:00December 30th, 2017|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

By Sarah Fader I am in my late 30's now and I've never tried online counseling or home counseling.   I'm not actually old, and I'm not even middle-aged. But, I'm not a millennial too.   I have many theories about why I haven't given this modality a shot, but the main one is this: [...]

I Have Spent My Whole Life Trying To Be Normal

2017-12-26T23:45:13+00:00December 29th, 2017|blog, Taylor Jones, writing|

Written by Tea Jay. I have spent my whole life trying to be normal. I just want to fit in, and blend with the crowd. Unfortunately for me, I'm out of the ordinary, because I am the 1 in 5 adults with mental illness in the United States. My life is all about management [...]

Where Can Teens Go For Help With Their Mental Health?

2017-12-26T23:44:10+00:00December 27th, 2017|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

By Sarah Fader Can a Guidance Counselor help a teen? The truth is, I don't know. From my experience with mental illness, I don't remember a guidance counselor actually helping me. What I do remember is suffering from mental illness including panic attacks, depression, suicidal ideation and passive suicidal thoughts. I don't know if [...]

Can Online Therapy Help Someone Who is Schizophrenic?

2018-02-18T20:24:24+00:00December 20th, 2017|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

By Sarah Fader First of all, yeah I used the word "schizophrenic." I used it because my friends who have paranoid schizophrenia identify with this word. So, I am not going to be language policed by you and told I can't say it. Let's get that out of the way right now. Now to [...]

Why Can’t Some People Understand Why I Take meds?

2017-12-18T16:58:57+00:00December 18th, 2017|blog, Taylor Jones, writing|

Written by Tea Jay. Medications have been a part of my life for 13 years. I haven't always taken them as prescribed, and at some points I just haven't even taken them. Now, I'm in a good place with my medications. My anti-psychotics and I have a good relationship. But some people, including those [...]

I Consider My Return To Therapy My Biggest Accomplishment in 2017

2017-12-13T15:31:19+00:00December 13th, 2017|blog, collaboration, photo shoots, writing|

by Justin Andrew Davis Schizophrenic.NYC and Justin Andrew Davis are collaborating again! You can read the previous article You Look Great – A Short Film and view the photo shoot I had with Justin. In a year colored by significant creative and professional growth, I consider my return to therapy my biggest accomplishment in 2017. Which [...]

Yes, I Take Anxiety Meds. No I Will Not Share Them With You.

2017-12-12T20:06:00+00:00December 12th, 2017|blog, Taylor Jones, writing|

Written by Tea Jay. For a long time I had issues with my anxiety; I still do. Anxiety is something that rules my life. It has made me look like a fool, and do stupid things, and it's made me miss out on opportunities and trapped me in bed. Anxiety can be a real [...]

Are you Getting Married to Someone With Mental Illness?

2017-12-08T19:08:25+00:00December 8th, 2017|Sarah Fader, blog, writing|

By Sarah Fader Marriage is a huge commitment. Before you get married there are a lot of things to consider. When you are marrying someone with mental illness, you have to be aware of what you're going to get into. If you both have a mental illness, then it's a matter of being empathetic [...]

Just Because You Take Meds, Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Normal

2017-12-06T20:23:19+00:00December 6th, 2017|blog, Taylor Jones, writing|

Written by Tea Jay. I was first diagnosed with ADHD; that diagnosis was bogus and it turns out I have Borderline Personality Disorder with Dissociative episodes. My original diagnosis came in the 7th grade when my teachers couldn't stand how spacey I was in class. My parents took me to my pediatrician and they [...]

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