
Speech about Living with and “Recovering” from Schizophrenia at This is My Brave – NYC

2018-11-24T20:20:04+00:00November 24th, 2018|Michelle Hammer, speaking, Videos|

Hi guys! I am thrilled to announce that my speech about living with and "recovering" from Schizophrenia from ThisIsMyBrave is now ready to view. I was pretty nervous about making this speech but as time past I felt more comfortable.  It's never easy to talk about the past, especially when mental illness is involved. I [...]

Getting Diagnosed With Schizophrenia

2018-07-28T22:02:40+00:00July 28th, 2018|Featured, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

Check out Schizophrenic.NYC Founder, Michelle Hammer, and Youtuber, Rachel Star Live talking about getting diagnosed with Schizophrenia and telling the world about it. What do you think happened when we came out with our Schizophrenia diagnosis? Big thank you to HealtheVoices and Wisdo for making this video! Watch Below!

Michelle & Gabe have a LIVE SHOW on TheMighty!

2018-07-19T15:57:25+00:00July 19th, 2018|collaboration, Gabe Howard, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

Do you have questions about living with mental illness? Gabe & Michelle have answers! Ask the hosts of 'A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast' anything you like.We are live on TheMighty.com's Facebook page Mental Health On The Mighty every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month! Be sure to tune in! Here is a recording of [...]


2018-07-07T18:51:51+00:00July 7th, 2018|collaboration, Featured, interview, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

SchizophrenicNY, Michelle Hammer, shares how she said “I CAN” to using her voice to help others living with schizophrenia. RT her #ICanWithSchizophrenia story & we’ll donate $1 to support MentalHealthAm (min. $10K, max. $30K; thru 7/31) Join us & @SchizophrenicNY in spreading the #ICanWithSchizophrenia message! For every RT of this video, @JanssenUS will [...]

Schizophrenia and Stereotypes

2018-07-02T14:17:09+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Featured, interview, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

Check out Schizophrenic.NYC Founder, Michelle Hammer, and Youtuber, Rachel Star Live talking about their Schizophrenia and Stereotypes. What does the public think about people with Schizophrenia? Big thank you to HealtheVoices and Wisdo for making this video! Watch Below!

Michelle’s WebMD Video is a Finalist for The 2018 Tribeca X Award

2018-04-02T22:04:39+00:00April 2nd, 2018|Featured, Michelle Hammer, news, Videos|

Here at Schizophrenic.NYC we cannot be more excited to announce that "Voices" by WebMD is a finalist for the Tribeca X Award! Now in its third year, the Tribeca X Award honors the best in storytelling at the intersection of advertising and entertainment from the past year. The nine finalists feature work from acclaimed [...]

PsychCentral.com Stories Of Recovery Video Interview

2017-12-07T00:32:18+00:00December 7th, 2017|interview, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

A candid interview with Michelle Hammer, who lives with Schizophrenia & created a Mental Health Clothing Line which you can find at Schizophrenic.NYC. Hosted by Gabe Howard from The Psych Central Show Podcast. Watch the vid below!

What’s it Like to Live with Schizophrenia – A Video by Wisdo

2017-06-22T23:25:15+00:00June 22nd, 2017|Videos, interview, Michelle Hammer|

Wisdo.com made an amazing video of Michelle and her experiences of living with Schizophrenia. It was filmed at the HealthEVoices Conference in Chicago.  Enjoy the video below! What's it Like to Live with Schizophrenia

The HealthEVoices17 Conference was so much Fun!

2017-06-06T18:49:36+00:00April 25th, 2017|conference, blog, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

Michelle, the founder of Schizophrenic.NYC was invited to the HealthEVoices17 Conference in Chicago and had a blast! HealthEVoices™ is a groundbreaking empowerment and leadership conference created exclusively for online health advocates. Sponsored by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company, HealthEVoices™ brings together online health advocates representing a wide variety of health communities to learn, [...]

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