
Should You Hide Your Schizophrenia?

2024-07-22T16:41:19+00:00July 22nd, 2024|blog, Michelle Hammer, QandA|

Should You Hide Your Schizophrenia? Your Schizophrenia Q's Answered By A Schizophrenic. Written by Michelle Hammer The book Should You Hide Your Schizophrenia? not only addresses this question but also delves into various aspects of schizophrenia, a mental illness often shrouded in mystery to the general public. If you want to learn answers [...]

Early Symptoms Of Psychosis

2020-07-07T22:40:12+00:00July 4th, 2020|QandA|

Schizophrenic.NYC teamed up with Students with Psychosis and will be asking students a series of questions. Here is the first. On Instagram, we asked the question, "What Were Your Early Symptoms Of Psychosis?" These are the answers. "Religious Messages From GOD" @Ashtea553 "Often Times I Would Remain Silent" @MYMINDMATTERS.JPG "I [...]

What Does “Don’t Be Paranoid, You Look Great” Mean To You?

2020-06-22T15:50:07+00:00June 22nd, 2020|QandA|

Schizophrenic.NYC's main slogan since the beginning has been "Don't Be Paranoid, You Look Great." At first, we didn't even have merchandise that said that slogan, however due to popular demand, we started a whole collection. On Instagram, we asked the question, "What does 'Don't Be Paranoid, You Look Great.' mean to you?" These are [...]

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