
Bunny Hugs and Mental Health Featuring Michelle Hammer

2022-08-19T17:20:20+00:00August 19th, 2022|Michelle Hammer, podcast|

Bunny Hugs and Mental Health Featuring Michelle Hammer Have you ever wondered what a schizophrenic episode really looks like? Michelle is a 30's something living in New York and she wondered what one of her own episodes looked like. She now has security cameras in her apartment to capture her episodes for [...]

Modern Therapists’ Guide to Nothing Featuring Michelle Hammer

2022-08-02T15:41:35+00:00August 2nd, 2022|Michelle Hammer, podcast|

Modern Therapists' Guide to Nothing Listen on other platforms Bonus Episode: Interview with Michelle Hammer Dave and Greg sit down with the successful business owner and entrepreneur Michelle Hammer, @schizophrenic.nyc on social media, and discuss how she has integrated the diagnosis of schizophrenia into her life, made meaning of it, and gives [...]

The Wondering Mind Podcast Featuring Michelle Hammer

2022-06-22T18:04:23+00:00June 22nd, 2022|Michelle Hammer, podcast|

The Wondering Mind Podcast Featuring Michelle Hammer Episode 77: Schizophrenia And The City With Michelle Hammer In this episode, Michelle talks about some of the experiences she had growing up with schizophrenia, how it impacted her life, how she is able to navigate through and why openly speaking about schizophrenia is so [...]

10 Minutes of Schizophrenia Psychosis

2022-06-13T17:57:20+00:00June 13th, 2022|blog, Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

10 Minutes of Schizophrenia Psychosis This is Michelle Hammer. She has Paranoid Schizophrenia and has Psychosis episodes often while sitting on her living room couch. She set up a security camera to catch the schizophrenia psychosis episodes she has while sitting on her couch. She wants to show people that Schizophrenia Psychosis episodes are [...]

Schizophrenia Episode Caught on Security Camera

2022-03-26T20:15:30+00:00March 26th, 2022|Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

Schizophrenia Episode Caught on Security Camera This is Michelle Hammer. She has Schizophrenia and her security camera caught her on camera having a schizophrenia psychosis episode. She set up her security camera in hopes of catching herself in these episodes to show people that Schizophrenia is not scary, dangerous, or frightening. Nobody is ever [...]

My Humiliating Delusions

2022-03-21T16:48:38+00:00March 21st, 2022|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

My Humiliating Delusions A Symptom of Schizophrenia is Delusions. It's something that I suffer from on a daily basis. For me, they are often humiliating. I often find myself paralyzed by them. Watch this episode of Schizophrenia and the City to find out more schizophrenic, Michelle Hammer. Like The Background? Get The Canvases Here [...]

Schizophrenia Episodes Q&A

2022-03-03T21:47:25+00:00March 3rd, 2022|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Schizophrenia Episodes Q&A I Michelle Hammer, share my Schizophrenia Episodes on the playlist Schizophrenia Caught on Camera. I also share these videos on all social media sites/apps. I get an enormous amount of responses and questions. I do a Q&A in this episode of Schizophrenia and the City Like The Background? Get The Canvases [...]

Schizophrenia Episodes Caught On Camera

2022-02-23T01:02:02+00:00February 23rd, 2022|Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

Schizophrenia Episodes Caught On Camera I'm Michelle Hammer and I have Schizophrenia.  I set up a security camera to record myself having schizophrenia psychosis episodes. In this video, I show 3 different episodes I had while sitting on my living room couch. I want to show that they are not dangerous, or violent. I [...]

Schizophrenia Episode Caught On Camera + Commentary After

2022-02-05T17:46:43+00:00February 5th, 2022|Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

Schizophrenia Episode Caught On Camera + Commentary After I'm Michelle Hammer and I have Schizophrenia. I set up a security camera to record myself having schizophrenia psychosis episodes. I want to show that they are not dangerous, or violent. In this video, I am talking to myself on my couch in two different situations. [...]

Schizophrenia Homelessness and Crime

2022-02-01T19:10:02+00:00February 1st, 2022|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Schizophrenia Homelessness and Crime On January 15, 2022, 40-year-old Michelle Go, was shoved in front of a Subway train and didn't survive. She was pushed by a man named Martial Simon who was a homeless diagnosed Schizophrenic. What is New York City doing to make sure this doesn't happen again? Watch this episode of [...]

Schizophrenia might be getting a name change

2022-01-22T18:47:05+00:00January 22nd, 2022|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Schizophrenia might be getting a name change Is Schizophrenia changing its name? Well according to the New England Public Media it might just be! What do you think of a name change? Do you agree or disagree? Check out this episode of Schizophrenia and the City to find out the thoughts of schizophrenic, [...]

Schizophrenia Episode Caught on Security Camera

2022-01-15T01:49:09+00:00January 15th, 2022|Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

Schizophrenia Episode Caught on Security Camera I'm Michelle Hammer and I have Schizophrenia. I set up a security camera to record myself having schizophrenia psychosis episodes. I want to show that they are not dangerous, or violent. In this video, I am talking to my reflection in the mirror. I am completely unaware of [...]

Schizophrenia and Narcissism

2022-01-08T18:22:41+00:00January 8th, 2022|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Schizophrenia and Narcissism In this episode of Schizophrenia and the City, Michelle Hammer discusses an article which asserts that schizophrenics are narcissists because a brain system involved in self-reflection is over-activated, leading to exaggerated focus on oneself. But to focus on oneself does not imply narcissism, it could just be self-care and self-awareness, [...]

Mental Illness, Schizophrenia, and Forced Treatment

2022-01-08T18:27:54+00:00January 1st, 2022|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Mental Illness, Schizophrenia, and Forced Treatment *Trigger Warning* In this episode of Schizophrenia and the City, Michelle talks about the important topic of forced treatment. Michelle once checked herself into the psych ward for a suicide attempt but wasn’t allowed to leave because they had a 72-hour hold on her. The next day, [...]

It’s Cool To Have A Mental Illness

2022-01-08T18:30:34+00:00December 25th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

It's Cool To Have A Mental Illness In this episode of Schizophrenia and the City, Michelle tackles the latest fad: that having a mental illness is cool. People are saying that recent social media posts about mental illness are glamorizing the subject. However, Michelle disagrees. Posts of people expressing their suicidal thoughts and [...]

On the Line With Podcast

2021-12-16T03:08:26+00:00December 16th, 2021|collaboration, Michelle Hammer, podcast|

On the Line With Podcast Hosted by Hanley On this week's episode of #OTLW I sit down and speak with Michelle Hammer; owner/founder of Schizophrenic.NYC - a clothing and accessory brand completely dedicated to advocating for Mental Health and Illness. With bold statements slapped across T-Shirts like "I'm mentally ill and I don't kill" [...]

Schizophrenic Episode Caught on Security Camera

2021-12-13T03:31:04+00:00December 13th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

Schizophrenic Episode Caught on Security Camera This is a video featuring Michelle Hammer, a Schizophrenic girl living in New York City who created the brand Schizophrenic.NYC. She set up a video security camera to record herself having psychotic episodes, to show that they are not dangerous, or violent. [...]

What are schizophrenic episodes like?

2021-11-27T20:55:46+00:00November 23rd, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

What Are Schizophrenic Episodes Like? In this episode of Schizophrenia and the City, Michelle Hammer the New Top 5 Questions About Schizophrenia Episodes Like The Background? Get The Canvases Here > Michelle Hammer is a Schizophrenia Activist and spends her time passionately fighting stigma.  At 27, Michelle decided to [...]

Mentally Together Podcast

2021-11-10T19:02:42+00:00November 10th, 2021|collaboration, Michelle Hammer, podcast|

Mentally Together Podcast Hosted by Cassidy Quinn Michelle Hammer is an activist, who makes videos and other content about her experience living with schizophrenia. Because, turns out, most of us don’t really know much about what schizophrenia actually is. She spends her time passionately fighting stigma, and even created a clothing brand to do [...]

Schizophrenia Episode Caught On Security Camera

2021-11-08T03:55:17+00:00November 8th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

Schizophrenia Episode Caught On Security Camera Hi, I'm Michelle Hammer and I have Schizophrenia. I caught myself having a Schizophrenia episode while I was in my living room where my security camera is set up. I want to share these videos to show that Schizophrenia episodes are mostly non-violent. What you see on TV [...]

Look Again: Mental Illness Re-Examined

2021-10-28T21:53:51+00:00October 28th, 2021|collaboration, Michelle Hammer, podcast|

It Could Be Me...Look Again: Mental Illness Re-Examined Mental illness touches everyone's lives, whether we want to admit it or not. And yet, mental illnesses like schizophrenia are rarely discussed publicly. That lack of conversation is what our guest is hoping to change. Meet Michelle Hammer, a mental health advocate, entrepreneur and graphic designer. [...]

Can You Have Sex With A Schizophrenic?

2021-11-21T21:20:25+00:00October 26th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Can You Have Sex With A Schizophrenic? In this episode of Schizophrenia and the City, Michelle Hammer dives into the topic of sex and schizophrenics, specifically if one can have sex with a schizophrenic. Why does she ask this question? Michelle received an email from a person who had a relationship with a [...]

What Disabled People Are Actually Looking For When Shopping For Clothing

2021-10-26T18:35:26+00:00October 26th, 2021|collaboration, Featured, interview, Michelle Hammer|

What Disabled People Are Actually Looking For When Shopping For Clothing Schizophrenic.NYC and our founder, Michelle Hammer were featured in the article What Disabled People Are Actually Looking For When Shopping For Clothing by TheGoodTrade.com. “I stand at my pop-up shop in NYC with all my inventory and talk to people about mental illness [...]

Overcome Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms

2021-11-26T02:41:37+00:00October 26th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Overcome Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms In this episode of Schizophrenia and The City, Michelle Hammer talks about schizophrenia negative symptoms and how she overcame them. Negative symptoms don’t necessarily mean “bad” – they just mean a lack of normal behaviors, such as social and emotional behaviors. For Michelle, this meant not being able to [...]

Why Are Nursing Homes Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia?

2021-11-26T02:44:33+00:00October 4th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Why Are Nursing Homes Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia? In this episode of Schizophrenia and The City, Michelle examines a recent New York Times article that investigates the misdiagnoses of nursing home patients with schizophrenia. Because of the lack of staff to care for patients, nursing homes try to sedate their patients to control [...]

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