
Michelle is Featured in CureSZ.org

2018-09-28T15:12:43+00:00September 28th, 2018|Michelle Hammer, collaboration, interview|

Michelle Hammer, the founder of Schizophrenic.NYC was featured in CureSZ.org. CURESZ envisions a future where schizophrenia and related psychoses are widely accepted as neurobiological brain conditions, and can be prevented, treated or cured, with restoration of wellness and full functional recovery.     Michelle Hammer is the founder of Schizophrenic.NYC, a clothing line that fights [...]


2018-07-07T18:51:51+00:00July 7th, 2018|collaboration, Featured, interview, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

SchizophrenicNY, Michelle Hammer, shares how she said “I CAN” to using her voice to help others living with schizophrenia. RT her #ICanWithSchizophrenia story & we’ll donate $1 to support MentalHealthAm (min. $10K, max. $30K; thru 7/31) Join us & @SchizophrenicNY in spreading the #ICanWithSchizophrenia message! For every RT of this video, @JanssenUS will [...]

Schizophrenia and Stereotypes

2018-07-02T14:17:09+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Featured, interview, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

Check out Schizophrenic.NYC Founder, Michelle Hammer, and Youtuber, Rachel Star Live talking about their Schizophrenia and Stereotypes. What does the public think about people with Schizophrenia? Big thank you to HealtheVoices and Wisdo for making this video! Watch Below!

Are You Paranoid? ‘Cause I Am! Lessons From a Schizophrenic – Webinar with Michelle Hammer

2018-04-18T16:31:43+00:00April 17th, 2018|interview, Michelle Hammer, speaking|

Are You Paranoid? 'Cause I Am! Lessons From a Schizophrenic Tue, Apr 24, 2018 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT Michelle Hammer, the schizophrenic founder of Schizophrenic.NYC Mental Health Clothing Line and co-host of the popular show A Bipolar, A Schizophrenic, and a Podcast, is giving a webinar on schizophrenia titled “Are You Paranoid? ‘Cause I Am! [...]

FIRESIDE CHAT Podcast with Ben Dionne features Schizophrenic.NYC

2017-12-19T19:54:02+00:00December 19th, 2017|collaboration, interview, Michelle Hammer|

Here at Schizophrenic.NYC we are excited to announce that our founder, Michelle Hammer was featured in the FIRESIDE CHAT Podcast by Ben Dionne.  We previously featured Ben in our Schizophrenia Connection Blog, which you should definitely check out. From FIRESIDE CHAT Podcast: Ben is joined by Michelle Hammer, founder of Schizophrenic.NYC. Originally diagnosed with Bipolar [...]

PsychCentral.com Stories Of Recovery Video Interview

2017-12-07T00:32:18+00:00December 7th, 2017|interview, Michelle Hammer, Videos|

A candid interview with Michelle Hammer, who lives with Schizophrenia & created a Mental Health Clothing Line which you can find at Schizophrenic.NYC. Hosted by Gabe Howard from The Psych Central Show Podcast. Watch the vid below!

What’s it Like to Live with Schizophrenia – A Video by Wisdo

2017-06-22T23:25:15+00:00June 22nd, 2017|Videos, interview, Michelle Hammer|

Wisdo.com made an amazing video of Michelle and her experiences of living with Schizophrenia. It was filmed at the HealthEVoices Conference in Chicago.  Enjoy the video below! What's it Like to Live with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenic.NYC Featured in Inside Lacrosse Magazine!

2017-05-02T22:57:48+00:00May 2nd, 2017|Featured, interview, Michelle Hammer|

We are so excited to announce that Schizophrenic.NYC and Michelle's story was featured in Inside Lacrosse Magazine May 2017.  Inside Lacrosse Editor in Chief Matt Kinnear found out about Michelle's blog post Lacrosse Saved My Life and thought it would be a great idea to have a feature of Michelle in his magazine. You can subscribe the magazine HERE, or [...]

You Are Not Your Diagnosis – An Interview by HOWL Magazine

2017-02-28T19:58:26+00:00February 28th, 2017|interview, Featured|

Our founder Michelle had the great opportunity to be interviewed by HOWL Magazine.  Michelle speaks about her journey with Schizophrenia and getting her diagnosis. As well as trying to make a change in how NYC sees mental health. Read More Here >

Interview with the Julia, the creator of HowAmIFeeling.org

2017-03-06T23:52:08+00:00January 11th, 2017|interview, blog|

If you've never heard of HowAmIFeeling.org then you're missing out. It's a community you are encouraged to use your creativity to tell your story. It's a place where for artwork that showcases unique perspective on mental health, emotions, connection, and everyday life and where you can take the audience on a journey.  I first encountered HowAmIFeeling [...]

How A Determined Schizophrenic Woman From NYC Is Breaking Stigma About Mental Illness

2017-03-06T23:52:08+00:00December 15th, 2016|interview|

{Schizophrenic.NYC buttons, bracelets, stickers} In just a little over a year since I last interviewed Michelle Hammer (founder of Schizophrenic.NYC, a clothing line aimed at promoting mental health awareness), her company and mission have gained an exponential amount of support from the media and community.  Since hundreds of thousands of people with schizophrenia [...]

BTWNUS Interview – Michelle, Founder of Schizophrenic.NYC

2017-03-06T23:52:08+00:00November 23rd, 2016|blog, interview|

On Realizing She Has Schizophrenia I didn’t realize that something was wrong with me until I was 18 years old and just starting college. In high school, I always thought my mom was really against me, like she was trying to hurt me, and I blamed here for a lot of things. When I got [...]

Michelle was interviewed on PRN.fm. Listen Now!

2017-03-06T23:52:09+00:00November 21st, 2016|Uncategorized, interview, news|

We are so excited to announce that the founder of Schizophrenic.NYC, Michelle Hammer was interviewed by Mark Farrell of the Progressive Radio Network. Listen below to hear the interview:   You can listen to the entire radio broadcast with other guests and commentary on news Here >

This cool fashion line is helping fight mental illness stigma and gives back, too

2016-11-01T16:06:27+00:00November 1st, 2016|interview|

We just became aware of a fashion line to help fight the stigma around mental illness, and we love it. Not only is mental illness awareness important, but so is helping those who suffer from it. Schizophrenic.NYC is the company, and it was started by New York-based graphic designer Michelle Hammer in 2015, reported Mashable. [...]

This Woman Wears Her Mental Illness On Her Sleeve, And Here’s Why You Should Too

2016-10-28T18:47:18+00:00October 28th, 2016|news, interview|

“I wanted to create something of my own that I could be proud of, and announce to everyone that I live with a mental illness." Given the stigma surrounding mental illness, it may seem pretty radical to wear your condition on your sleeve. But that's exactly what graphic designer Michelle Hammer wants you to do. Hammer [...]

American Clothing Label Is Set To Change Your Views On Schizophrenia

2016-10-28T18:20:28+00:00October 28th, 2016|news, interview|

Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia aren’t often addressed publicly and can be heavily misunderstood. This is why NYC-based graphic designer Michelle Hammer, 27, who suffers from the illness herself, has launched a clothing line designed to raise awareness of the disease and change how people generally perceive it. Hammer launched her company Schizophrenic.NYC in 2015 [...]

Fighting Stigma Never Looked So Good

2017-03-06T23:52:09+00:00October 20th, 2016|news, interview|

Schizophrenic.NYC was featured in The Mighty! Michelle Hammer wants to change the way people from New York City think about mental illness. But, instead of fighting stigma with words or campaigns, she’s doing it with designs anyone can wear. Hammer, who lives with schizophrenia, decided it was time to make a change after encountering a homeless [...]

Featured in NeuroPositiveTowner.com

2017-03-06T23:52:10+00:00July 28th, 2016|interview|

We got interviewed in NeuroPositiveTowner entitled "The beauty of awareness: Schizophrenia."   I believe in living a non-judgemental life. I think from a baseline of ‘everyone struggles with inner turmoil they try to hide’. Everyone (myself included) has a form of mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues that aren’t pleasant,  most try to conceal them, some [...]

Schizophrenic.NYC Q&A with Worth Living

2017-03-06T23:52:10+00:00June 14th, 2016|interview|

Michelle had a Q&A with Keith Anderson the founder of Worth Living. What is Schizophrenic.NYC? The Mental Health Clothing Line, Schizophrenic.NYC, was created, founded, & designed by Michelle Hammer, a Schizophrenic New Yorker who wants to make a difference in the way the mentally ill homeless are treated in NYC, as well as change the [...]

Michelle was featured in HaphazardCoffee.com!

2017-03-06T23:52:11+00:00March 15th, 2016|interview, news, writing|

Check out this great feature about Michelle, the founder of Schizophrenic.NYC in the literary society HaphazardCoffee. "It is my pleasure and honor to introduce to you Michelle Hammer, the CEO and founder of Schizophrenic NYC, a clothing line for the mental health community. I fell in love with this shirt that I came across when scrolling [...]

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