
Michelle’s WebMD Video is a Finalist for The 2018 Tribeca X Award

2018-04-02T22:04:39+00:00April 2nd, 2018|Featured, Michelle Hammer, news, Videos|

Here at Schizophrenic.NYC we cannot be more excited to announce that "Voices" by WebMD is a finalist for the Tribeca X Award! Now in its third year, the Tribeca X Award honors the best in storytelling at the intersection of advertising and entertainment from the past year. The nine finalists feature work from acclaimed [...]

Don’t Be Paranoid You Look Great – A Feature by Convicts.NYC

2018-03-17T02:07:20+00:00March 17th, 2018|Michelle Hammer, Featured|

So glad that Michelle was featured in the article "Don’t Be Paranoid You Look" Great by Sydney MacDonald over at Convicts.NYC.   “Things are just still really hard because even if you’re medicated it doesn’t mean the voices go away, it just means the voices become more positive.”   There are few places in the world that [...]

Beautifully Imperfect Blog features Michelle

2018-03-08T00:02:09+00:00March 8th, 2018|Featured, Michelle Hammer, speaking|

Michelle recently gave a speech at Raritan Valley Community College for the To Write Love On Her Arms Club. One of the members Brittany, wrote on her blog about the speech. You can check it out at her blog Depression Diaries. Michelle and Brittany

I Wasn’t A Bitch, I Was Schizophrenic by Michelle Hammer

2017-06-23T18:36:53+00:00June 23rd, 2017|blog, Featured, Michelle Hammer, writing|

Head on over to Transformation-is-Real.com/Blog to read Michelle's newest Blog post about growing up with Schizophrenia called I wasn't a Bitch, I was Schizophrenic.  It's an eye-opening piece about growing up with Schizophrenia and dealing with symptoms on a daily basis.     I didn't want to speak. I didn't want to be noticed. [...]

Schizophrenic.NYC Featured in Inside Lacrosse Magazine!

2017-05-02T22:57:48+00:00May 2nd, 2017|Featured, interview, Michelle Hammer|

We are so excited to announce that Schizophrenic.NYC and Michelle's story was featured in Inside Lacrosse Magazine May 2017.  Inside Lacrosse Editor in Chief Matt Kinnear found out about Michelle's blog post Lacrosse Saved My Life and thought it would be a great idea to have a feature of Michelle in his magazine. You can subscribe the magazine HERE, or [...]

You Are Not Your Diagnosis – An Interview by HOWL Magazine

2017-02-28T19:58:26+00:00February 28th, 2017|interview, Featured|

Our founder Michelle had the great opportunity to be interviewed by HOWL Magazine.  Michelle speaks about her journey with Schizophrenia and getting her diagnosis. As well as trying to make a change in how NYC sees mental health. Read More Here >

This Woman Created A Seriously Amazing Clothing Line To End Mental Health Stigma

2016-12-19T20:47:07+00:00December 19th, 2016|Featured, news|

A lot of brilliant work is being done to end mental health stigma. Lots of important conversations are taking place as well as creative routes of sparking awareness and dialogue. One such creative initiative is a New York City based clothing company called Schizophrenic.nyc. Read More >

6 feminist gift ideas to give to the ladies in your life this holiday season

2017-03-06T23:52:08+00:00December 8th, 2016|Featured, holiday, news|

Schizophrenic.NYC was featured in MyLola.com's Holiday gift Guide, featuring 6 feminist gift ideas to give to the ladies in your life this holiday season. Check it out Here >

Schizophrenic.NYC is Featured in TheMighty.com’s Holiday Gift Guide

2016-11-24T17:44:53+00:00November 24th, 2016|Featured, shop|

We are very excited to announce that the Schizophrenic.NYC shop was featured in TheMighty.com's Holiday Gift Guide! We are even featured as the #1 spot! What an honor! Thank you The Mighty! Read The Gift Guide Here >

Holiday Gift Guide 2016 | Social Justice Edition – THISISYNA.com

2017-03-06T23:52:09+00:00November 15th, 2016|news, Featured, holiday|

Schizophrenic.NYC was featured in THISISYNA.com Holiday Gift Guide 2016! It may seem super early in the year to put out a gift guide, but America's had a rough week. I think we deserve some holiday cheer in the form of Starbucks red cups and gift guides to get us in the mood for shopping for [...]

Featured in BreadCrumbs Mag

2016-07-27T00:00:16+00:00July 26th, 2016|Creative, Design, Featured|

Michelle created some custom artwork for Breadcrumbs Mag Breadcrumbs Mag is an exercise in motivation and shared inspiration, a chance to create when otherwise your professional life might not give you reason to, an outlet to plant the seeds of an idea and watch where they can go — through your own mind or someone else's. See Michelle's post Here >

Featured in Jacklyn.lune Anxiety Talks!

2017-03-06T23:52:10+00:00May 6th, 2016|Featured|

Jacklyn.Lune featured our clothing in her anxiety talks section of her blog. I know so many people might take what I'm saying as invalid and for certain situations I agree. Falling, in any general sense, is always looked down upon in our society and I'm not so sure why. They say that we are human [...]

We got featured in Hallie-Kruger.com

2016-04-25T18:52:16+00:00April 25th, 2016|Featured|

Very excited to announce that we were featured in Hallie-Kruger.com.  Check out the feature to learn more about Schizophrenic.NYC. Click HERE! "Michelle Hammer is driven to change the way people view Schizophrenia. The creator, designer and founder of Schizophrenic.NYC clothing line is passionate about crushing the negative stigma associated with Schizophrenia, and collaborates with similar [...]

Generation 414 Feature

2017-03-06T23:52:11+00:00January 14th, 2016|Featured, guest post|

We got featured in the great Generation 414. It's really a great cause. Here is more info about Generation 414: Generation 414 is a 100% Organic, ethical fair-trade retail outlet that sells handmade shirts and bags by survivors of sex trafficking. They provide dignified employment and personal development opportunities to women who seek an alternative to the sex [...]

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