
The Dumb F*cking Sh*t People Have said to Me…BTW I’m Schizophrenic

2017-04-27T15:49:53+00:00April 27th, 2017|Creative, infographic|

Being Schizophrenic and open about it has it's positive and negatives.  Most of the time people praise me for being so honest about having a mental illness. However, I often get asked, or get told, some really dumb f*cking sh*t, so I made an infographic about it. Check it out below!

7 Things I Wish People Knew About Mental Illness Infographic

2017-03-06T23:52:08+00:00January 19th, 2017|Creative, blog, Design, Taylor Jones|

Here at Schizophrenic.NYC our team put together an infographic of a list of 7 things we wish people knew about mental illness. Take a look and let us know what you think Copy Written by Taylor Nicole Jones and Michelle Hammer Infographic designed by Michelle Hammer

Featured in BreadCrumbs Mag

2016-07-27T00:00:16+00:00July 26th, 2016|Creative, Design, Featured|

Michelle created some custom artwork for Breadcrumbs Mag Breadcrumbs Mag is an exercise in motivation and shared inspiration, a chance to create when otherwise your professional life might not give you reason to, an outlet to plant the seeds of an idea and watch where they can go — through your own mind or someone else's. See Michelle's post Here >

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