
Mentally Together Podcast

2021-11-10T19:02:42+00:00November 10th, 2021|collaboration, Michelle Hammer, podcast|

Mentally Together Podcast Hosted by Cassidy Quinn Michelle Hammer is an activist, who makes videos and other content about her experience living with schizophrenia. Because, turns out, most of us don’t really know much about what schizophrenia actually is. She spends her time passionately fighting stigma, and even created a clothing brand to do [...]

Schizophrenia Episode Caught On Security Camera

2021-11-08T03:55:17+00:00November 8th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

Schizophrenia Episode Caught On Security Camera Hi, I'm Michelle Hammer and I have Schizophrenia. I caught myself having a Schizophrenia episode while I was in my living room where my security camera is set up. I want to share these videos to show that Schizophrenia episodes are mostly non-violent. What you see on TV [...]

Look Again: Mental Illness Re-Examined

2021-10-28T21:53:51+00:00October 28th, 2021|collaboration, Michelle Hammer, podcast|

It Could Be Me...Look Again: Mental Illness Re-Examined Mental illness touches everyone's lives, whether we want to admit it or not. And yet, mental illnesses like schizophrenia are rarely discussed publicly. That lack of conversation is what our guest is hoping to change. Meet Michelle Hammer, a mental health advocate, entrepreneur and graphic designer. [...]

Can You Have Sex With A Schizophrenic?

2021-11-21T21:20:25+00:00October 26th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Can You Have Sex With A Schizophrenic? In this episode of Schizophrenia and the City, Michelle Hammer dives into the topic of sex and schizophrenics, specifically if one can have sex with a schizophrenic. Why does she ask this question? Michelle received an email from a person who had a relationship with a [...]

What Disabled People Are Actually Looking For When Shopping For Clothing

2021-10-26T18:35:26+00:00October 26th, 2021|collaboration, Featured, interview, Michelle Hammer|

What Disabled People Are Actually Looking For When Shopping For Clothing Schizophrenic.NYC and our founder, Michelle Hammer were featured in the article What Disabled People Are Actually Looking For When Shopping For Clothing by TheGoodTrade.com. “I stand at my pop-up shop in NYC with all my inventory and talk to people about mental illness [...]

Overcome Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms

2021-11-26T02:41:37+00:00October 26th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Overcome Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms In this episode of Schizophrenia and The City, Michelle Hammer talks about schizophrenia negative symptoms and how she overcame them. Negative symptoms don’t necessarily mean “bad” – they just mean a lack of normal behaviors, such as social and emotional behaviors. For Michelle, this meant not being able to [...]

Why Are Nursing Homes Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia?

2021-11-26T02:44:33+00:00October 4th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Why Are Nursing Homes Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia? In this episode of Schizophrenia and The City, Michelle examines a recent New York Times article that investigates the misdiagnoses of nursing home patients with schizophrenia. Because of the lack of staff to care for patients, nursing homes try to sedate their patients to control [...]

Schizophrenia Episodes Caught on Camera

2021-09-27T16:19:09+00:00September 27th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, schizophrenia caught on camera|

Schizophrenia Episodes Caught on Camera Recently I caught myself in a few schizophrenia episodes on my security camera. I am sharing them for people to learn that schizophrenia is not dangerous. Michelle Hammer is a Schizophrenia Activist and spends her time passionately fighting stigma.  At 27, Michelle decided [...]

Top 5 Schizophrenia Episode Questions Answered

2021-09-22T20:14:42+00:00September 22nd, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Top 5 Schizophrenia Episode Questions Answered What Does a Schizophrenia Episode Look Like? What Triggers a Schizophrenic Episode? How Long Does A Schizophrenic Episode Last? Do I Remember My Episodes? How Do I Control These Episodes? Michelle Hammer from Schizophrenic.NYC answers these questions in this episode of Schizophrenia and The City. Like The Background? [...]

Schizophrenia And Off Meds

2021-12-03T03:04:36+00:00September 17th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Schizophrenia And Off Meds **Trigger Warning** Mental Health Medication Discussion In this episode of Schizophrenia and The City, Michelle is off her meds - not by choice, however. After infuriating mishaps with the doctor and the pharmacy, Michelle was only able to take four of her daily morning medications to control [...]

Top 5 Questions I Get About Schizophrenia

2021-12-03T03:01:16+00:00September 12th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Top 5 Questions I Get About Schizophrenia **Trigger Warning** Psych Ward and Suicide Discussion In this episode of Schizophrenia and The City, Michelle answers five common questions about schizophrenia episodes. The first is this: what does an episode look like? For Michelle, an episode means talking to people that she has [...]

The Top 5 Questions About The Psych Ward Answered

2021-08-31T00:30:21+00:00August 31st, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

The Top 5 Questions About The Psych Ward Answered **Trigger Warning** Psych Ward and Suicide Discussion Here are your Top 5 Questions About The Psych Ward Answered! I put a form on my Instagram that let people ask me their questions about the Psych Ward. From all of the questions asked, these were the [...]

She wears it well: Living with schizophrenia – with Michelle Hammer

2021-08-22T17:39:34+00:00August 22nd, 2021|collaboration, podcast|

She wears it well: Living with schizophrenia - with Michelle Hammer In this episode of the Legal Wolf, Wendy Lynn Decker sits down with Michelle Hammer, founder of Schizophrenic.NYC and talks about schizophrenia. They cover how Michelle's openness about her illness has changed, her clothing brand, Michelle's and Wendy's mom's experiences with medication, and, [...]

Psych Ward Memes – Reaction 4

2021-08-19T21:14:27+00:00August 19th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Psych Ward Memes - Reaction 4 **Trigger Warning** Psych Ward Talk Let's do this! Part 4 of Psych Ward Memes Reactions. Do you think psych ward memes are funny? Do you think they would be funny to a schizophrenic girl who has been to the psych ward 3 times? Michelle Hammer from Schizophrenic.NYC reacts [...]

A Deeper Look Into Schizophrenia || The World Unfiltered

2021-08-12T17:15:23+00:00August 12th, 2021|collaboration, podcast|

A Deeper Look Into Schizophrenia || The World Unfiltered Michelle Hammer the founder of Schizophrenic.NYC Featured on The World Unfiltered Podcast I spoke with Michelle Hammer in the first episode of the series to learn more about Schizophrenia. I had a great time talking with her since I learned a lot about her as [...]

Schizophrenia and Sports

2021-08-10T21:12:30+00:00August 10th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Schizophrenia and Sports **Trigger Warning** Mental Health Talk **Trigger Warning** Mental Health Talk. What's it like to be an athlete with Schizophrenia? What about being an athlete with any mental illness? In this video, Michelle Hammer talks about playing sports throughout her life with Schizophrenia and even being a college athlete. Can you play [...]

The Move for Mind Podcast

2021-08-12T17:12:12+00:00August 6th, 2021|collaboration, podcast|

The Move for Mind Podcast Michelle Hammer the founder of Schizophrenic.NYC Featured on The Move For Mind Podcast Mental health is just as important as physical health. Join the mental health nonprofit Move for Mind Foundation as we engage in passionate, meaningful conversations about mental health. We are speaking with important role models in [...]

Psych Ward Meme – Reaction 3

2021-07-29T23:53:57+00:00July 29th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Psych Ward Meme - Reaction 3 **Trigger Warning** Psych Ward Talk. Here we go on part 3 of psych ward memes reactions. Are psych ward memes funny? Are they funny to a schizophrenic girl who has been to the psych ward 3 times? In this video, Michelle Hammer from Schizophrenic.NYC reacts to psych ward [...]

We Need To Talk About Suicide | Nick’s Story

2021-07-24T19:03:14+00:00July 24th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

We Need To Talk About Suicide | Nick's Story **Trigger Warning** Suicide Since Thursday, July 15th, we have been looking for my friend Nick Lopez. Nick had been living stable for a long time. But that day something triggered his Bipolar disorder to send him into an episode. Wednesday, July 21st, his mother identified [...]

Psych Ward Nurse Meme – Reaction

2021-07-24T19:04:45+00:00July 16th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Psych Ward Nurse Meme - Reaction Psych Ward Nurse Memes!!!! Are you surprised these actually exist? Do you think they would be funny to a schizophrenic girl who has been to the psych ward 3 times? Let's see what Michelle Hammer from Schizophrenic.NYC thinks! Michelle Hammer reacts to Psych Ward Nurse Memes in this [...]

Schizophrenic Reacts to Psych Ward Memes

2021-07-07T22:08:03+00:00July 7th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

Schizophrenic Reacts to Psych Ward Memes Here we go on part 2 of psych ward memes reactions. Are psych ward memes funny? Are they funny to a schizophrenic girl who has been to the psych ward 3 times? In this video, Michelle Hammer from Schizophrenic.NYC reacts to psych ward memes in this episode of [...]

We Need To Talk About Suicide

2021-07-24T19:07:08+00:00July 2nd, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia And The City|

We Need To Talk About Suicide | My Story **Trigger Warning** Suicide Suicide is something people don't like to talk about. When it's on the news we hear about how great the person was and all the memories their friends and families had with them. What we usually don't hear about is why they [...]

Mental Health Nursing: 6 Things You Should Know

2021-06-25T15:07:25+00:00June 25th, 2021|guest blog, guest post|

Our mental well-being is vital for our behavioral, emotional, and physical health. It drastically impacts the way we behave, assume, and experience things. How we make our everyday decisions, how we deal with others, and how we handle stress; are all affected by our mental health. Mental health nurses, also known as psychiatric nurses, [...]

Schizophrenia Psychosis Episode Caught On Camera

2021-06-23T13:35:33+00:00June 23rd, 2021|Michelle Hammer, Schizophrenia Connection|

Schizophrenia Psychosis Episode Caught On Camera Hi, I'm Michelle Hammer and I have Paranoid Schizophrenia. I set up a security camera in my living room in hopes to capture myself having schizophrenia episodes. I try to share what I can to educate people that schizophrenia episodes can be completely non-violent or dangerous. [...]

Having Friends Who Have A Mental Illness

2021-07-24T19:07:54+00:00June 8th, 2021|Michelle Hammer, podcast, Schizophrenia And The City|

Having Friends Who Have A Mental Illness Do you have a friend with a mental illness? Odds are most likely you do, or at least know someone that does. Have you ever wondered about their perspective of the friendships they have? Do you wonder why it can be so difficult for a person with [...]

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