
How Victim Advocates Can Help Those Who Are Struggling

2022-11-20T03:59:22+00:00November 20th, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post|

How Victim Advocates Can Help Those Who Are Struggling People who have been victims of domestic violence have a long road ahead of them. It’s hard enough for someone to get help and get out of a bad situation, but the challenges don’t end once they’re out of the house and away from immediate [...]

The Impact of Compassion Fatigue on Mental Health Nurses

2022-11-18T18:10:11+00:00November 18th, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post|

The Impact of Compassion Fatigue on Mental Health Nurses People who work in the field of mental health offer help and support to people who are struggling with a wide range of mental illnesses. They are critical to the health and well-being of society as a whole, but working in the mental health field [...]

Local New Yorker Shamar Models For Schizophrenic.NYC

2022-11-14T17:52:07+00:00November 14th, 2022|blog, photo shoots|

Local New Yorker Shamar Models For Schizophrenic.NYC Blue Rorschach Test Ink Blot T-Shirt I’m Mentally ill And I Don’t Kill Tee Don’t Be Paranoid, You Look Great Mental Health T-Shirt Black Fire Rorschach Test Mental Health Ink Blot T-Shirt It’s Not A Delusion You Are Incredible Mental Health T-Shirt Coming Soon Define Normal [...]

Fear Not: Don’t Let Trauma Hold You Back Anymore

2022-10-21T17:25:03+00:00October 21st, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post|

Fear Not: Don't Let Trauma Hold You Back Anymore Experiencing trauma isn’t something you have control over. It’s not your fault if you’ve been through traumatic experiences and now struggle with the long-term effects. However, trauma can cause a variety of symptoms that can affect your well-being and quality of life. Many people [...]

What does a Schizophrenia Psychotic episode look like?

2022-10-14T15:39:53+00:00October 14th, 2022|blog, schizophrenia caught on camera, Videos|

What does a Schizophrenia Psychotic episode look like? What does a Schizophrenia Psychotic Episode look like? This video features Michelle Hammer, a Schizophrenic girl living in New York City. She set up a video security camera to record herself having Schizophrenia psychotic episodes, to show that they are often not dangerous, or violent. [...]

How to Celebrate the Social and Mental Health Workers Who’ve Helped You

2022-10-14T14:29:31+00:00October 14th, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post|

How to Celebrate the Social and Mental Health Workers Who've Helped You If you have ever received support from a social worker or mental health professional, you’ll probably have a story about how that care and assistance has bettered your life in some way. These practitioners and care professionals provide vital help for individuals who [...]

Lyndra Therapeutics Speech

2022-10-07T01:57:49+00:00October 7th, 2022|blog, speaking|

Lyndra Therapeutics It was a pleasure to host Michelle Hammer of Schizophrenic.NYC during our company meeting today! Michelle is a mental health advocate who has dedicated her platform and time to fighting stigma. Michelle shared great insights, including the challenges associated with reducing stigma when what we hear in mainstream media only reflects times of crisis: “crisis with [...]

Tulane Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds

2022-10-07T01:45:07+00:00September 21st, 2022|blog, conference, Michelle Hammer, speaking|

Tulane Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand RoundsMichelle was honored to be a speaker at the Tulane Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds at the Tulane University School of Medicine on September 21, 2022.Thank you Tulane Psychiatry for having Schizophrenic.NYC at your conference, we can't wait to see you again

The Schizophrenia Spectrum

2022-09-20T17:58:18+00:00September 20th, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post, Mathew|

By Mathew Ahmon A while ago, I wrote a post on a potential name change for schizophrenia (Michelle also tackles this topic in this Schizophrenia and the City episode), and we concluded that changing the name would ultimately do nothing to erase stigma. A recent Slate article revisits this topic, focusing instead on diagnostic [...]

How One Woman Describes Living With Schizophrenia | Newsy

2022-09-19T21:12:31+00:00September 19th, 2022|interview, news, Videos|

How One Woman Describes Living With SchizophreniaNewsy Features Michelle Hammer, Founder of Schizophrenic.NYC Michelle Hammer is a New York resident with schizophrenia, a serious mental disorder. She shares her journey.Michelle Hammer wants you to know schizophrenia. To know the illness is to know her. "I go, 'listen, no couches were harmed in the [...]

Schizophrenia On The Streets In NYC with Michelle Hammer

2022-09-13T16:12:27+00:00September 13th, 2022|Michelle Hammer, podcast|

Schizophrenia On The Streets In NYC with Michelle Hammer Michelle Hammer is a Schizophrenia Activist and spends her time passionately fighting stigma. She is an NYC native featured in the WebMD documentary Voices, which was nominated for a Tribeca X Award at the Tribeca Film Festival 2018. Michelle was diagnosed with schizophrenia at [...]

Schizophrenia Before and After Meds | My Story

2022-09-20T17:46:32+00:00September 4th, 2022|blog, Schizophrenia And The City|

Schizophrenia Before and After Meds | My Story In this episode of Schizophrenia and the City, Michelle Hammer compares her experience with schizophrenia symptoms before and after she started taking medication. Before, the voices, which took the form of a girl, were unbearable. They would tell her that she should not say anything [...]

Schizophrenic influencers feel abandoned by TikTok

2022-08-19T17:29:06+00:00August 19th, 2022|Featured, interview|

Schizophrenic influencers feel abandoned by TikTok "For Michelle Hammer — a 34-year-old schizophrenic creator from New York who has nearly 17,000 followers on her TikTok account, @Schizophrenic.NYC — sharing her experiences on social media was an impulse decision. Although Hammer was no stranger to discussing mental health online — she founded her clothing brand, Schizophrenic [...]

Bunny Hugs and Mental Health Featuring Michelle Hammer

2022-08-19T17:20:20+00:00August 19th, 2022|Michelle Hammer, podcast|

Bunny Hugs and Mental Health Featuring Michelle Hammer Have you ever wondered what a schizophrenic episode really looks like? Michelle is a 30's something living in New York and she wondered what one of her own episodes looked like. She now has security cameras in her apartment to capture her episodes for [...]

Properly Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the World of Social Work

2022-08-11T15:41:48+00:00August 11th, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post|

Properly Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the World of Social Work Social workers do incredibly important work for people from all walks of life. It’s a career that’s perfect for people who want to make a difference in the world. However, it’s also an extremely stressful career that can affect one’s mental [...]

British Columbia Schizophrenia Society Features BSP

2022-08-07T15:41:07+00:00August 7th, 2022|BSP, podcast|

British Columbia Schizophrenia Society Features BSP Check out our #PodcastPals – Week 2 Neha Bhattacharya “Look Again: Mental Illness Reexamined” is on a season break at the moment but spreading the word about severe and persistent mental illness is a year-long task. And so we have put together a list of some amazing [...]

Modern Therapists’ Guide to Nothing Featuring Michelle Hammer

2022-08-02T15:41:35+00:00August 2nd, 2022|Michelle Hammer, podcast|

Modern Therapists' Guide to Nothing Listen on other platforms Bonus Episode: Interview with Michelle Hammer Dave and Greg sit down with the successful business owner and entrepreneur Michelle Hammer, @schizophrenic.nyc on social media, and discuss how she has integrated the diagnosis of schizophrenia into her life, made meaning of it, and gives [...]

A Glimpse Into Schizophrenia Overseas

2022-08-01T16:49:09+00:00August 1st, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post, Mathew|

A Glimpse Into Schizophrenia Overseas by Matthew Ahmon The African people suffer from many things – famine, drought, epidemic, and colonialism – but a recent CNN article comments on a less well-known problem: stigma. In Africa, mental healthcare is ignored by the state and even humanitarian organizations, which are more interested in the big names, like [...]

The Connection Between Mental Health & Addictions

2022-07-20T20:34:04+00:00July 20th, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post|

The Connection Between Mental Health & Addictions Prioritizing strong mental health is important in today’s highly volatile and turbulent world. Part of preserving mental health is understanding the influences that can damage or stress one’ mental health and cognitive functions. One of the biggest detriments to one’s mental health can take the form of [...]

I’m an Artist Living with Schizophrenia | Michelle Hammer

2022-07-09T01:28:05+00:00July 9th, 2022|blog, collaboration, Videos|

I'm an Artist Living with Schizophrenia | Michelle Hammer Michelle and Lauren from @LivingWellwithSchizophrenia have a discussion. – Lauren sits down with Michelle Hammer of @SchizophrenicNYC to learn about her experience being an artist living with schizophrenia, and also about how she blends together her artwork with her mental health advocacy. Thank you so [...]

Helpful Resources to Find Supportive Housing

2022-07-05T17:09:52+00:00July 5th, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post|

Helpful Resources to Find Supportive Housing For those who are struggling to get on their feet, supportive housing can make a drastic and positive change in one’s life. Living somewhere where one feels supported is a great way to promote healthy habits and improve one’s mindset. Unfortunately, finding supportive housing can sometimes feel like [...]

Serious Questions About Life with Bipolar Disorder

2022-06-28T15:54:37+00:00June 28th, 2022|BSP, podcast|

Serious Questions About Life with Bipolar Disorder from A Bipolar, A Schizophrenic, and a Podcast “My Mom and Dad didn’t notice anything. My friends didn’t notice anything. It’s not like anybody said to me ‘Oh, my God, Gabe, you have bipolar disorder.’ They all just sincerely thought I was an asshole. ” – [...]

What to Look for in a Therapist or Counselor

2022-06-27T23:18:06+00:00June 27th, 2022|blog, guest blog, guest post|

What to Look for in a Therapist or Counselor People from all walks of life can benefit from working with a mental health professional. Mental illness, trauma, or simply just needing someone to talk to are all valid reasons for seeking out help from a therapist or counselor. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to [...]

The Wondering Mind Podcast Featuring Michelle Hammer

2022-06-22T18:04:23+00:00June 22nd, 2022|Michelle Hammer, podcast|

The Wondering Mind Podcast Featuring Michelle Hammer Episode 77: Schizophrenia And The City With Michelle Hammer In this episode, Michelle talks about some of the experiences she had growing up with schizophrenia, how it impacted her life, how she is able to navigate through and why openly speaking about schizophrenia is so [...]

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