I’m probably going to be on medications for the rest of my life
Written by Taylor Jones. I remember my ex looking at my pills, and taking them away from me, like you would take candy away from a child. "You don't need these." he told me. "Crazy people need these," which in hindsight, was hilarious, because as frequently as he called [...]
I never used to think of myself as a cutter
Written by Taylor Jones. I never used to think of myself as a cutter; I used to take kitchen knives and drag them along my skin, fantasizing about what it would feel like. Sometimes when I would be upset I would simply press the knife against the knife against my [...]
I wasn’t ready to accept that something was wrong with me
Written by Taylor Jones. The first time I got intensive help for my mental health was when I was arrested; my options were jail, or going to the mental facility at my local hospital. My first choice wasn't the mental hospital. I didn't want people to think I was crazy, [...]
I just knew I didn’t want to live anymore
Written by Taylor Jones. The first time I thought about killing myself was after my first adoptive mom died; or at least that's the first time I remember thinking about it. I was living with my biological mom at the time, before I would be placed into foster homes. [...]
Work is a lot more difficult to manage when you are mentally ill
Written by Taylor Jones. At the age of 23 I can tell you (begrudgingly) that I have worked for 18 different employers in the past 4 years. Some jobs were seasonal, some jobs were not a good fit, some jobs I quit, and only one I was actually fired [...]
The first thing to go is mental health budgets
Written by Taylor Jones. Yesterday, I got to witness first hand the issue with budget cuts, when my intake for a psychiatric treatment center was cancelled, due to the doctors not being able to accept more patients. Something I had been planning for for weeks, something I was ready [...]
It’s okay to cry
Written by Taylor Jones. When I was younger, back in high school, I was known as a drama queen. I wore this title with pride, because I thought this was recognition for wanting to be a Broadway star. I thought my classmates had actually noticed my work on stage, [...]
Dating with a mental illness isn’t always easy
Written by Taylor Jones. Dating with a mental illness isn't always easy; between mood swings, and sex drive changes, it can be a whirlwind of emotions, that usually results in heartache. Sometimes, however, you meet someone who can keep up with your emotions, who helps balance and regulate your [...]
The Part Of My Mental Illness That’s Really Hard To Talk About
Written by Taylor Jones. I've always been very open about my mental illness; and I know that's not a common thing. I've made public statuses, blog posts, and announcements. I think I told my entire friend group the day I got out of the hospital in high school about [...]
7 Things I Wish People Knew About Mental Illness Infographic
Here at Schizophrenic.NYC our team put together an infographic of a list of 7 things we wish people knew about mental illness. Take a look and let us know what you think Copy Written by Taylor Nicole Jones and Michelle Hammer Infographic designed by Michelle Hammer